Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 03, 2009

Day 4

I mentioned before that I am a creature of habit, how I don't go any where, how I don't 'do' much of anything. How I had no idea what I'm going to photograph daily and how this is going to be such a challenge... Well take a look. Yup, our Sundays are usually spent this way. This is why my hubs and I get along so well. He plays WoW all day. I play.. well... whatever I feel like playing. Today it was The Sims 2.

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Anonymous said...

Horray for getting along!

I spent the day listening to my parents fight.

MysticSpirit said...

DAMN, woman! How big is your monitor?!

Tracy said...

Yay for WoW and Sims!! And having a hubby that shares your addictions. lol

Jen said...

LOL, that rocks!

sarianastar said...

That's perfect! You sound like me and my DH. He has many reasons why he keeps me and I have many reasons why I keep him. It works so well. Great photo!

Mao said...

Haha, that is awesome! Fiance and I like playing games together, too, especially WoW. Or we did when we had a decent connection!

Just a note, for some reason, my security word is pregness. It made me giggle.

PayneAS said...

What an awesome screen to play WoW or the Sims on!